
  • TLS 1.2, Enhanced security for IP endpoints in a local or cloud based environment
  • Supports SRST (Survivable Remote Site Telephony) in a Cisco environment
  • Streamlined case design
  • Network web management and firmware download
  • Dry relay contact for auxiliary control
  • Door closure and tamper alert signal
  • User downloadable message up to 80 seconds
  • Single button call to pre-set number
  • Continuous repeat of message
  • Call progress light

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The SIP Call Button is a reliable solution for a one-touch programmable call to an IP phone or page announcement.  It can be mounted under a desk, on a wall, or in a discrete location.  If an event takes place, the user depresses the button.  The Call Button automatically makes a call to a pre-set phone or extension number.  When the called number answers, the Call Button plays and repeats a stored audio file.  This stored audio file is uploaded by the administrator to meet the needs of the installed location.

In a Singlewire InformaCast environment, the SIP call button registers to the Cisco Call Manager as a third party SIP endpoint. When the Call Button is depressed it makes a call to the Cisco Call Manager and the Singlewire InformaCast software detects that call and initiates an event.